Works about Drs. Kenneth & Mamie Clark

Berger, Stephen. (1970). The Social Consequences of Residential
Segregation of the Urban American Negro. New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Brown v. Board of Education, (1954) 347 U.S. 483
Brown v. Board of Education, (1955) 349 U.S. 294
Craemer, Thomas (2005). Racial Affect among African Americans and Non-African Americans: An Implicit “Dolls Test”. Prepared for presentation at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, IL, April 7-10, 2005. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from
Davidson, Bruce. (2002). Time of Change: Bruce Davidson Civil Rights Photographs, 1961-1965. California: St. Ann’s Press.
Fact Book on Pupil Transportation. (1972). New York: A Publication of the
Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Festinger, Trudy. (1972). Why Some Choose Not to Adopt through Agencies. New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Guthrie, R. V. (1998). Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Harris, H. (1977). Marc Archives Project: Final report. New York: A
Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Hopkins, Jeannette. (1968). Racial Justice and the Press: Mutual Suspicion or “The Saving remnant”? New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
An Intensive Program for the attainment of Educational Achievement in Deprived Areas Schools of New York City. (1968). New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Jencks, Christopher. (1973). In Perspective. Virginia: American Association of School Administrators.
Kasher, Steven (1996). The Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History 1954-1968. New York: Abbeville Press.
Keppel, B. (1995). The Work of Democracy: Ralph Bunche, Kenneth Clark, and Lorraine Hansberry and the Cultural Politics of Race. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Keppel, B. (2002). “Kenneth B. Clark in the patterns of American culture.” American Psychologist, 57, 29-37.
Klarman, M. (2004). From Jim Crow To Civil Rights. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Klein, Woody (ed.) (2004) Toward Humanity and Justice: The Writings of Kenneth B. Clark Scholar of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Decision. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Klineberg, O. (1935). Negro Intelligence and Selective Migration. New York: Columbia University Press.
Klineberg, O. (1935). Race Differences. New York: Harper & Row.
Lal, S. (2002). “Giving children security: Mamie Phipps Clark and the racialization of child psychology.” American Psychologist, 57, 20–28.
Lyon, Danny (1992). Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.
Maccoby, Eleanor E. (Ed.). (1958). Readings in Social Psychology. New York: Holt.

Markowitz, G., & Rosner, D. (1996). Children, race, and power: Kenneth and Mamie Clark’s Northside Center. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
Nyman, L. (1976). Recollections: An oral history of the psychology department of the City College of the City University of New York. New York: The City College of the City University of New York.
Phillips, L. (2000). “Recontextualizing Kenneth B. Clark: An Afrocentric perspective on the paradoxical legacy of a model psychologist–activist.” History of Psychology, 3, 142–167.
Philógene, Gina (Ed.). (2004). Racial Identity in Context: The Legacy of Kenneth B. Clark. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Pickren, W. E., & Tomes, H. (2002). “The legacy of Kenneth B. Clark to the APA: The Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility for Psychology.” American Psychologist, 57, 51–59.
Sharp, Anne Wallace (2007). Separate but Equal: The Desegregation of
America’s Schools. Detroit, Michigan: Lucent Books.
Shepard, Richard F. (1975, May 31). “Kenneth Clark Retiring from C.C.N.Y.”
New York Times, p.58.
Swanson, Guy E. (Ed.). (1952). Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues: Readings in social psychology. New York, N.Y.: Holt.
William, D. (1998) Thurgood Marshall, American Revolutionary. New York:
International and Pan-American Copyright Convention.
Winston, Andrew (Ed.). (2004). Defining Difference: Race and Racism in the History of Psychology. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Wiseniewski, T. (2008). “Experimenting with power: Liberal psychologists and the challenge of social reform: 1945-1975.” (Doctoral dissertation. City University of New York, 2008).
Works by Drs. Kenneth & Mamie Clark
Clark, K. B., & Clark, M. P. (1939). “Segregation as a factor in the racial identification of Negro pre-school children: A preliminary report.” Journal of Experimental Education, 11, 161–163.
Clark, K.B., & Clark, M.K. (1939). “The development of consciousness of self in the emergence of racial identification in Negro pre-school children.” Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 591-597.
Clark, K.B. (1940) Some Factors Influencing the Remembering of Prose Material Archives of Psychology. (Doctoral dissertation. Columbia University, 1940).
Clark, K. B., & Clark, M. P. (1940). “Skin color as a factor in racial identification of Negro preschool children.” Journal of Social Psychology, 11, 159–169.
Clark, K. B. (1943, Summer). “Morale of the negro on the home front: World wars I and II.” The Journal of Negro Education, (Vol. 12). 417- 428.
Clark, K. B. (1944). “Group violence: A preliminary study of the attitudinal
pattern of its acceptance and rejection: A study of the 1943 Harlem riot.” The Journal of Social Psychology, S.P.S.S.I. Bulletin, 19, 319-337.
Clark, M.K.P. (1945). “Changes in primary mental abilities with age.”
(Doctoral dissertation. Columbia University, 1945).
Clark, K. B., & Clark, M. P. (1947). “Racial identification and preference in
Negro children.” In T.M. Newcomb & E.L. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in Social Psychology, 169–178). New York: Holt.
Clark, K. B. (1950). The effects of prejudice and discrimination on personality development (Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth). Washington, DC: Federal Security Agency, Children’s Bureau.
Clark, K. B., & Clark, M. P. (1950). “Emotional factors in racial identification
and preference in Negro children.” Journal of Negro Education, 19, 341–350.
Clark, K. B. (1953). “Desegregation: An appraisal of the evidence.” Journal of Social Issues, 9(4), 1–77.
Clark, K. B. (1954, Fall). “Jews in contemporary America: Problems in identification.” The Jewish Social Service Quarterly, 31 (1), 12-22.

Clark, K. B. (1955). Prejudice and Your Child. Boston: Beacon Press.
Clark, K. B. (1963). The Negro Protest: James Baldwin, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press.
Clark, K. B. (1964). Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited: Youth in the ghetto. — A study of the consequences of powerlessness and a blueprint for change. New York: Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited.
Clark, K. B. (1965, Midsummer). “Beyond demonstrations: A new phase in civil rights.” The Register-Leader, (Vol. 147). 7.
Clark, K. B. (1965). Dark Ghetto: Dilemmas of Social Power. New York: Harper & Row.
Clark, K. B., & Parsons, T. (Eds.). (1966). The Negro American. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin.
Clark, K. B., Bond, J., Hatcher, R. (1969). The Black Man in American Politics. New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc for the Institute for Black Elected Officials.
Clark, K.B., & Sherriffs, A. C. (1970). How Relevant is Education in America Today? Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Clark, K. B. (1974). Corporal Punishment and School Suspensions: A Case Study. New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc.
Clark, K. B. (1974). Pathos of Power. New York: Harper & Row.
Clark, K.B. (1974) Response to Chancellor’s Report on Programs and
Problems Affecting Integration of the New York City Public Schools. New York: A Publication of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc
Clark, K. B. (1986). “The social sciences and the courts.” Social Policy, 17, 33–38.
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